May 2024

8 Major Interior Decoration Mistakes to Avoid


Many people interior decorate their homes or offices on their own and end up failing at doing it perfectly. After that, those people call out for HELP!! 

Well, if you want to avoid the same situation, then don’t worry! We have compiled a list of major interior decoration mistakes to avoid. Those issues can be avoided by having a keen understanding and learning of primary design principles. 

Let’s look closely at those mistakes so you can stay several steps ahead of your competition. 

Not Having a Clear Vision

This is one of the common mistakes made by many people who are rushing into the interior decoration of a room or some other place. 

People usually buy whatever they like without even properly planning things beforehand. You should avoid this mistake. 

The solution to this is “Mood Boards”. They are an excellent way of crafting a design scheme for any place. An interior decorator can make a digital or physical mood board which have a guide for materials, colors, and style of the room. Moreover, it also has everything you have to purchase to implement the decor. 

Using the Wrong Scale

Scale is a crucial part of interior decorating. You have to measure to check if the items will fit and what size of accessories and furniture will look right. 

If you place too many small things in the room, it will look cluttered. Similarly, a big chair next to a small deck or a massive basket in the corner of small bathrooms will look throw-off.

There is no standard rule for setting a scale, it is something that you decide with your eyes and mind. 

The trick you can use here is to mix the scale. If you have a small space, then it doesn't mean you have to place small furniture. One large statement piece of furniture can hold the room together. 

Mixing Too Many Styles in One Place

If you use too many styles and themes in a single room, it can get so overwhelming. You might get inspired by a lot of styles but it doesn’t mean you are going to put everything in one place. It will look like a mess!

Lighting can Make or Break the Place

You should avoid keeping your place dull and dark. Therefore, begin with a lot of natural light. Lighting is often left as the last thought. However, it should be something that is considered first while planning interior decor. 

Moreover, if you use cheap fixtures with no dimmers etc, then this can result in a dim dull house or a glaring bright place. 

Lighting adds an aesthetic sense to a place other than functionality. A creative and balanced installation of ambient lighting options, including task lighting, table lamps, or accent lighting can ensure a comfortably bright home. 

Leaving No Space Between the Furniture

Many people overcrowd their places by placing furniture side by side. If you leave no gaps between the furniture, the place will look congested and messy. 

Leaving gaps between walls and furniture can make the room light and airy. 

You should go with a proper layout that has a center seating space with space around it. 

Placing a Rug That Doesn’t Go with Furniture

A rug is the main part of the room decor. Choosing the wrong rug and then placing it in the wrong way can take away the allure of the whole room. 

If you choose a small rug, it can make your room look messy and small. 

So, you should go for simple designs and correct-size rugs to uplift the face of your room. Moreover, the rugs should come under the front half of every piece of furniture that is placed on it. 

Wrong Size and Style of Artwork

Art can be stunning and striking. However, the first mistake some interior decorators make is that they go for the wrong size.

A too-small artwork may seem silly, while on the other hand, a size art can become the focal point of the room. 

If you want to place more than one artwork, then you can experiment with their placement and scale it until you find the one that looks balanced. Moreover, eye-level artwork placement looks better!

Forgetting Finishing Touches

Many people forget about the final touches like soft furnishing, indoor plants, artwork, and other accessories. These are the things that complete an interior decor and make the room feel like a home. You shouldn’t buy things just for the sake of buying. You should choose wisely and go for cushions, frames, vases, indoor plants, etc. 

Get the Best Interior Decorating Services from Stage To Show

If you are a newbie and don’t know anything about interior decoration, then don’t worry! Stage To Show is here to rescue you! We have the best interior decorators to decorate your place which leaves a lasting impression. Our experts are knowledgable and well-versed in what they do. So, don’t worry and contact us right away!